Business Ethics: Protecting Everyone?

by DanyangLiu

Click here for the news article

When talking about personal information leak, public are often the victims. Firms like banks, social network websites and government organizations are required to do what ever they can to protect their customers privacy. If something happens, they will be criticized for being extremely unreliable and will suffer severe reputation crisis. However, the protection of their employees’ privacy, which should be the responsibility of firms, haven’t received enough awareness.

For companies, being ethical means that they try to consider every stakeholder evolved in the business. Employees is unquestionably one of the stakeholders. Hence, companies have the responsibility to protect their employees.

The news report is about how hackers leak personal information of 4,000 bank executives by posting their phone numbers, computer logins and other personal information on a government website, revenge for policies that they say led to the suicide of an Internet activist. Further news articles doesn’t mention banks doing anything to protect their employees.

I think it is unethical for anyone to leak others information for any reasons. It is just unfair to the victim, no matter how powerful they are. Then I started thinking why wasn’t banks doing anything to protect their employees privacy? And why hadn’t this receive enough awareness? These are still questions to be answered. However, I do think that it is the companies’ responsibility to protect their employees.