Q and A session: Improving by communicating

by DanyangLiu

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Mark Zuckerberg during the Q&A session.

Mark Zuckerberg during the Q&A session.

Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, will be doing a public Q&A on Thursday, November 6 at 2 p.m. He said in his post

We have a tradition at Facebook, where every Friday we have a Q&A and all employees can come and ask me questions about anything they wan. It’s an important of Facebook’s culture. People ask thoughtful questions about why our company is going in certain directions, what I think about things happening in the world, and how we can continue improving our services for everyone. I learn a lot from these Q&As, and the questions people ask help us build better services.

Referring back to what we have discussed in class, I think this is a perfect example of company culture. Facebook, as a leading social network tech company, needs to attract high skilled and experienced talents. This policy inside the company allowed their employees to express their doubts and thoughts directly to the CEO of this company. This is a great motivations especially for engineers who have ambitions. Moreover, as Mark said in his presentation, those questions helped the company to reflect on what they are doing and to improve their product.

By bring this event public, Facebook have the chance to communicate with its users. Listening to customers thoughts will inspire Facebook to improve based on customers need. On the other hand, this event is not all about learning from customers. Through communication, the relationship between the company and customers will be closer. Thus, will help the company to build customer loyalty. Facebook is facing more and more threads from other social networks, such as twitter. This Q&A session will definitely help Facebook gain some advantage over their competitors.

Based on what I learned in class, I think this is it a super smart move for Facebook. Firstly, skilled and experienced talents will prefer Facebook from other Silicon Valley tech companies. Secondly, it help build customer loyalty. Lastly, it can inspire Facebook to make certain changes based on customer’s needs and wants.