Danyang Liu's Blog

Category: Uncategorized

United Nations and Social Entrepreneurship

If the United Nations was fully funded why would we need the Arc or social enterprise? The answer to the question is definitely Yes. Although both the United Nations and the social entrepreneurs wants to do whatever it takes to end a problem, they adopt different means. Huge organizations like United Nations have a lot […]

Social Responsibility of Businesses

Click here for the new blogs In her blog, Xiaotong discuss the social responsibilities companies should take. She use the example of Nestle water, which failed to meet its social responsibility by extracting B.C.’s drinking water for free. She stated in her post that long-term business can achieve success by reaching agreements with the community […]

Happiness = ?

Click here for the news article We watched an interview with founder of Zappos in class this week, and I am surprised by the amount of effort the company put in to making their employees happy. For example, the company provide employees with free foods and snacks and the company held events for employees on […]

LinkedIn China

Click here for the blog This blog from my classmate talked about LinkedIn’s recent entry into the Chinese market. He gave several recommendations for LinkedIn. To tap into the Chinese market with a little bit more caution. To expand to cities like Beijing and Shanghai. Do not be too conservative with information. However, I held a different opinion […]


Internet.org Everyday, we use the Internet to study, to do research, to use tools like connect and WeBWork. We also use it in our leisure time, to go on social networks, to chat with our families and friends, and to watch movies or listen to musics. The Internet is now a part of our daily life. […]

Q and A session: Improving by communicating

Click here for the blog Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, will be doing a public Q&A on Thursday, November 6 at 2 p.m. He said in his post We have a tradition at Facebook, where every Friday we have a Q&A and all employees can come and ask me questions about anything they wan. It’s […]

First Nation: Economics vs. Environment

Click here for the news article I remember a question in my application form for UBC asking how do I identified myself; aboriginal is one of the many answers. This is the first time I really pay attention to aboriginal problems here in Canada. Relationships between aboriginal people and Canada government is delicate. They tried to corporate […]

Future of General Motors

Click here for the news article General Motors, American multinational corporation, faced a total of 445 victim compensation claims now, including 19 death claims, 4 severe injuries, and 8 less severe injuries. Victims or them families who agreed with the compensation and take the money, give up their rights to sue General Motors. This leads […]

Gender Stereotypes

Click here for the news article Stereotypes often comes in mind when talking about certain jobs. For example, truck drivers is usually considered as a job for male, instead of female. However, this situation will be changed completely, because of the shortage in truckers. The American Trucking Associations says the industry is short about 30,000 […]

Business Ethics: Protecting Everyone?

Click here for the news article When talking about personal information leak, public are often the victims. Firms like banks, social network websites and government organizations are required to do what ever they can to protect their customers privacy. If something happens, they will be criticized for being extremely unreliable and will suffer severe reputation […]

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