Made with…More than Money

I recently sat with my friend in a Comm 101 class, and she came up with what I believe is a genius idea for an iPhone application. I told her I could design the graphics using her idea – but I didn’t have enough knowledge in coding to help materialize her brainchild, and unfortunately, she did not either. This is exactly why I was so glad when I heard how Google was implementing strategies in order to encourage more female employment within their company.

By launching the $50 million initiative “Made with Code”, Google hopes teach young girls coding and give their parents resources to encourage their girls in participating in computer-science courses.

This initiative reminds me of the many ways businesses can choose to reach out towards their communities by creating positive movements without losing sight of company values. Through this project, Google can to integrate important social changes while redefining company values.

This also goes back to Class 15 when we discussed CSR and how it is incredibly significant in business. A company with a positive social standing and reputation can lead to not only incredibly loyal customers, but also loyal employees – who all trust the company, and in turn trust their products.

It’s because of initiatives like this that help propel Google as consistently one of the companies with the best CSR reputation.

Further reading:


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