The End of Internet Advertisements

The internet has become one of the world’s largest advertisement platforms. With millions of WebPages and billions of users, corporations are able to target very specific market segments. However, some users feel the freedom of the internet has been diminished as a result of the pestering ads scene on every video and every webpage. To combat this, the AdTrap device was invented. It is a small box that automatically removes any advertisement even before it reaches your device. The purpose of the AdTrap is to regain the fluidity and joyfulness internet users originally experienced. While a ten second ad on YouTube might seem unbearable now, with no more potential advertising revenue, soon free services like YouTube will become another expense for everyday internet users. Since consumers won’t be seeing the advertisements any more, companies will stop putting them up. Given that advertisements pay for a great portion of the services on the internet, by removing them you effectively increase the cost of surfing the web for any consumer. Social media sites and video streaming services will be dramatically impacted since they generate a great portion of their total revenue from online advertisements. The internet will surely be changed, whether it is positively or negatively is dependent upon the consumer demand for the AdTrap and how popular the device becomes.

Simon, Dan. “The device that could change the Internet.”CNN. (2013): n. page. Web. 18 Nov. 2013. <>.


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