My first trading

As a newcomer for the future market, this simulation trading game is a unique instructing method to gain the knowledge of future trading, as well as the trend of future price regarding corn and soybean.

While I have never touched future market before, I had the confidence in making a  positive profit by the fundamental rule: Buy low, sell high. Hence, I made several research on the analysis about the soybean’s and corn’s price,which are made by the reliable financial website.

Here is the chart showing the changing of soybean’s price:

(Derived from Yahoo! Finance,;range=5d;compare=;indicator=volume;charttype=area;crosshair=on;ohlcvalues=0;logscale=off;source=undefined;)

As the graph showing, on Sep. 19, there was a dramatic decrease of future price from 1360 to 1330 approximately. Therefore, I expected the price to rebound in the following days. Basing on this exception, I chose to take a long position on the soybean future contract and reap the benefit of the rising price. Therefore, I chose to purchase one unit of soybean.

However, on Sep. 20, the price of soybean has no significant increase. I forecast  that there will be a remarkable jump in the future.

In terms of corn,  several articles, from CME Group, state corn market will recap in the foreseeing future.(CME Group Therefore, in order to reap the benefit due to the rising price, I took the long position in corn future contract. Although I suffered a little loss in this week, I still have the confidence in the long-term return.

Hope the future price of corn and soybean will change as expected.

Good luck and look forward to my portfolio performance in next week




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