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Issues between the aboriginal groups and the Canadian government had never ended, and most of them are regarding government civil projects that are thought to violate and exploit First Nations’ resources and beliefs. The recent issue that rose to people’s attention in B.C was the hydroelectric megaproject. While this project may propel the use of clean energy and  providing jobs, the B.C aboriginal groups displayed concerns. The First Nations worry that with this project in place their sacred land, which as allegedly to be for their religious gatherings, will be destroyed. Also the dam the project plans to build may disrupt their hunting game and fishing lifestyle. As a result, leaders of the First Nation groups have threatened to take the government on court if the hydroelectric motion is passed.

For centuries the government of Canada has been trying to balance the aboriginals’ interest with the country’s. For the wrongs done by ancestors Canada has tried to redeem by compensating the descendants of those wronged. However, First Nations’ beliefs are contradicting to the majority society as the world progresses. The hydroelectric megaproject, for instance, is a project that would increase Canada’s energy capacity and ultimately, bring economic profit to Canada. Therefore, this project will eventually take place; it is only a matter of time that the government of Canada persuade the aboriginals.

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