Re: iPhone 5s Outsells 5c by a Factor of 3.4x in the United States Opening Weekend

This is a blog post in response to Visarut Kasemsupapunā€˜s post on October 9, 2013. In this blog post, Visarut clearly depicts the difference in sales volume of the iPhone 5s and the iPhone 5c.In addition, he mentions that the more affordable iPhone 5c is targeted to lower income customers, as compared to the more affluent customers that the iPhone 5s is targeted towards. I agree to his comments to a certain extent. Yes, the iPhone 5c might have a different target market, but instead of lower income customers in the US, it might have been targeted towards foreign customers instead. With Apple trying to gain market share in the overseas market, it might be more realistic for them to target a larger group of consumers, especially in places where the average income is much lower than other consumers.

In conclusion, the iPhone 5c and 5s have very different target markets. Consumers in the US might be somewhat indifferent towards the two models, but in other parts of the world, there are in fact huge differences.

On a separate note, there are additional features that the iPhone 5s offers, which are not available on the iPhone 5c. A better camera, processor and storage capacity are just some of the features that makes the iPhone 5s more attractive. In my opinion, the iPhone 5s’ target market is towards their loyal customers and ‘Apple Fans’. This is because the release of iPhone 5 was less than a year ago and consumers who are looking for a decent phone would not be willing to purchase the iPhone 5s just after a few months. Thus, loyal customers will see this new and improved phone as a ‘need’ instead of a ‘want’.

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