Unit Two Reflections Blog

Unit two highlights the importance of the planning process before starting any writing document. From a LinkedIn profile to a formal research report, significant research into the planning process is vital for success. Regardless of the type of project, using a structured approach supported by best practices makes for an effective document. In the following blog, there will be a discussion of my experience working in the second unit of technical writing.


Before this course, I already had a LinkedIn presence and could see the potential opportunities offered on this platform. However, I made this account without any knowledge of the best practices for maximum engagement. I quickly discovered more ways to get involved such as, actively seeking interest groups, liking posts, messaging other peers, posting long-form content, and many additional strategies. It is not sufficient to only list down achievements and experiences in a profile. It is more impactful to incorporate these elements into a story or narrative. By doing this, it allows the person reading to understand your background better. Another surprise came from simple adjustments that drastically improved the click rate of profiles, such as adding a heading, a summary, and an appropriate profile picture. Moving forward, I plan to do further research and improve my online professional presence.


Creating the formal research proposal and progress report provided many insights into the writing process. I found the brainstorming aspect of this assignment challenging at first. Most of the ideas that came to me initially were already on the list. After closely reflecting on my previous work experience,  I thought of the pains that came up. I wondered if there was a way to turn this into a usable idea. Although I tried to map out my formal report in the progress memo, there will ultimately be changes that will happen as I continue to research and work through the writing process. Although the primary data collection process is not completely finished, I wonder how to best visualize the data for the final draft of the research project.


As I read through my partner’s research proposal and other students in the course, I was surprised to see the breadth of topics under investigation. Darius’ research proposal is intriguing with his background in multimedia. The peer-review process was smoother this time as I allotted enough time for this process. With my own experience writing research journals, I was familiar with the structure of introductions. It is more general and then transitions to more specific by the end. As I read through the feedback, Darius pointed out an important aspect that I had overlooked. He mentioned that my idea for an app or website does not need a detailed description. Instead, there needs to be research about the need for this particular website or app. Additionally, I needed to make sure that my questions of inquiry do not ask for personal information from the person.


I am excited to continue working through the rest of the course material and see how their background impacts their writing.


Link to Revised Research Proposal – https://blogs.ubc.ca/engl301-99a-2021wa/2021/11/03/23-revised-research-proposal/

Link to Peer Review from Darius – https://blogs.ubc.ca/engl301-99a-2021wa/2021/10/18/peer-review-for-daves-research-proposal-for-a-centralized-mental-health-support-service-in-surrey-bc/

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