Reflections for Creating a Web Folio

The process of creating a Web Folio was an interesting process as it is a way to combine the different experiences that a person may have to create an online prescence. From the readings, it is interesting to see the many different purposes that a web folio may have from convincing employers to showcasing work to the public. Thinking back to my work from the entire term, there were many strategies that I learned that can help me in future professional situations. In order to show this gradual improvement over time, there needs to be a way to see all the posts in one location without needing to scroll too long in any single direction. This is where the Web Folio can be useful in demonstrating all the work that a person does for a single course. In addition to showcasing academic work, it can also be used as a way to demonstrate your qualifications to prospective employers.

From my own research, it is apparent that creating an online portfolio in the tech industry can be a useful way to differentiate yourself from the other applicants. You can include personal projects that demonstrate your ability to learn programming languages independently while creating a useful project. I think that practicing this type of web document before I start looking for internships later next year will be a good exercise in combining my projects into a single location. Additionally, taking the time to reflect and put all of my experiences on a web page can help me plan out my next steps and know what projects to pursue to fill any gaps in my own knowledge. Moving forward, I will take the lessons I learned from this course and apply it to future work opportunities.

When creating the Web Folio, I noticed that maximizing its readability and flow is just as important as the content put into each component. I understand that the the components added into the document need to make sense and fit within the purpose of the web folio. The links need to work and the placement of the links need to make sense within the whole document. Additionally, carefully curating the images and documents for the Web Folio can help improve reader engagement and make for a memorable document. There is also a great opportunity to showcase your personality and interests by adding links to your own hobbies. I would describe myself as a visual learner and this style will help me fully showcase my ability in a creative way.

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