
English 301 is a technical writing course geared towards teaching students how to prepare written communications for a professional environment.

The course is split into four, three week long, units aiming to introduce students to the fundamentals of technical writing through short written assignments based on the types of documents common to professional workplace environments.

The  first unit introduces students to the concept of creating an online presence to later advertise their work via a web folio. In addition to this, students will introduce themselves to one another through methods used in professional business environments such as email, resumes, and student blogs.

The second unit introduces students to research and how to to present their findings in formal reposts as well as how to write proposals.

The third unit elaborates on how to formulate and draft a forma report.

The fourth and final unit aims at combining everything students learned in the previous units to produce a professional web folio. Students will also learn networking techniques in this unit so that they may find gainful employment in the field of technical writing or a field where the skills learned in this course will be of use.

I gather that I will learn how to retool my academic writing and research skills for those more suited for the workplace through writing professional documents in this course. I find the writing amount of writing in this course to be its most attractive prospect because I have not written in a professional manner since I graduated from UBC. That and I find that my choice of words and phrasing at the moment may not be suitable for writing professional documents.  I also look forward to practicing the research skill that I developed from my previous discipline of classical studies that I have been unable to use in my current job.