
Just another UBC Blogs site

BLOG 1 | Marketing, Awesome.

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Marketing Strategy, Awesome.

Ability to engage the target market, Awesome. 

Communicating the brand of a great product, Awesome. 

Everything about this video, Awesome.

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This clip, which was used to promote UBC’s Annual Student Leadership Conference which draws over 1,000 UBC delegates every year, displays many aspects of effective marketing in today’s society. There are a few characteristics of this video that makes it so great in achieving it’s purpose.

In today’s fast pace, quick-access-to-information environment, consumers do not value just receiving quick e-mails and IMs, but also quick messages in an ad-dominated world. With a bombardment of information all around, the ones that can get the message to the consumers efficiently oftentimes are the most successful. This video is a great example of that. The SLC Marketing team was able to pack a catchy punch in just 37 seconds. Targeted at UBC students, who oftentimes don’t have more than 5 minutes to get between one class to another, 37 seconds is more than appropriate. In addition to an Awesome song that flows perfectly to match the beat of the changing images, the effective quotes captures two essential characteristics of the conference itself: student representation and everything that makes UBC… of course, Awesome.

Meme’s, punch-lines, and trending topics on Facebook and Twitter is what dominates social media today; and this naturally affects the way marketing strategies need to be redefined to reach the realms on the consumers. Understanding that students, besides spending an abundance of time studying, also spend an abundance of time on social media, and therefore was able to create a trending word that captured the attention of many students.

This kind of advertising is what makes Marketing… Awesome.

Love it.

Written by David Huynh

January 18th, 2012 at 12:00 am

Posted in Uncategorized

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