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Archive for November, 2011

     Sony shares have dropped to levels not seen since the recession; going from one disaster to another the company, from the iPhone seizing the mobile phone market and the dismal sales of their PS3.  Sony is in the market of mobile phones but as my classmate Samantha Yam mentioned in her blog post, they only had […]

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What are the bills pictured above, a artistic rendition?  The answer no, above we have the future of Canadian currency, the new 100 dollar bill and the soon to be released 50 dollar bill.  These new bills represent the future of physical currency in Canada with BoC Govoner still believing that a “cashless society” is  unattainable (Mark […]

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     Netflix has taken a lot of heat in the past few months over mistakes made in the companies direction, from increasing the price to the introduction of the ill-fated Quickster.  Nevertheless, this dot-com company has seen great success through its establishment in 1997 and turning its first profit, $6.5 million, in the 2003 fiscal year. […]

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