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Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

     Sony shares have dropped to levels not seen since the recession; going from one disaster to another the company, from the iPhone seizing the mobile phone market and the dismal sales of their PS3.  Sony is in the market of mobile phones but as my classmate Samantha Yam mentioned in her blog post, they only had […]

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What are the bills pictured above, a artistic rendition?  The answer no, above we have the future of Canadian currency, the new 100 dollar bill and the soon to be released 50 dollar bill.  These new bills represent the future of physical currency in Canada with BoC Govoner still believing that a “cashless society” is  unattainable (Mark […]

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     Netflix has taken a lot of heat in the past few months over mistakes made in the companies direction, from increasing the price to the introduction of the ill-fated Quickster.  Nevertheless, this dot-com company has seen great success through its establishment in 1997 and turning its first profit, $6.5 million, in the 2003 fiscal year. […]

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The Occupy Wall Street protests have gone global, including our home Vancouver. Protestors can be found in their “tent city” blocking the Vancouver Art Gallery and or parading through the streets disrupting local businesses; most recently their run on the banks. The protestors lack a clear unified goal but the overlying message many of the […]

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     Technology blog Engadget has been following the recent blackberry outage for the past few days now and have now confirmed what Blackberry users around the globe have feared; Blackberry services worldwide including email and BBM have crashed. Frustrated may be an understatement to the millions worldwide who have been affected by the Blackberry […]

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     Apples latest addition to the iPhone family may have left people “underwhelmed” after 15 months of hype led expectations of a “revolutionary [new] design”, but that has by no means lessened demand for the phone.  At&t recently came out with sales figures, announcing that within 12 hours of taking pre-orders they had sold 200,000 iPhone […]

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Blog Response #1

Adelle Tepper came upon a very interesting article, one I believe involves an industry many post secondary students have tried at some point throughout their academic career.  It’s an article about energy drinks, yes from Redbull the drink that “gives you wings” to 5 hour energy shot. Recently though the Canadian government has put forward a plan to […]

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        When Spyker, a maker of luxury sports cars, bought Saab last year, there were doubts whether the small sports car company would be able to bail Saab out of its financial woes.  After joining to form Swedish Automobile, the luxury car company is being jettisoned in hopes that the cash from […]

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The “Day of Rage” on September the 17th kicked of the “Occupy Wall Street” protest.  With so many protests going on in the middle east and Arabian countries, where people are fighting and dying to gain freedom this mostly peaceful protest tended to get overlooked by many, myself included.  The purpose was to raise awareness that 1% the 7 billion […]

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        The name Saab wouldn’t ring a bell to many as it had in the 1980’s, but the drama surrounding the company this past year has brought it back into the spotlight.  After being jettisoned from General Motors, Saab has struggled under its new ownership to raise the captial and investment necessary to continue production of this iconic brand. […]

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