China ready to eat up North America’s Pecan harvest

Despite recent bad harvests of pecans across the United States farmers are still happy. Why? China is putting so much demand on the pecan market that one pound of pecans can go as high as $15USD.

The Chinese are recently interested in pecans because of claimed health benefits.  One brochure claims that pecans will decrease heart disease, cancer, and lower cholesterol.

Competition is supposed to increase in upcoming years. Brazil, Australia, and Mexico have all started to produce pecan farms. However it will take several more years before these trees mature. In the mean time southern farmers in the United States will have the large majority of control in the small and limited market.

It is very nice for me to see the pecan gaining popularity around the world. Growing up in Texas I saw pecan trees all the time. My family’s home even has a producing pecan tree. I have always personally enjoyed eating them.


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