Marketing Group Project – Reflective

Learning about Sun-Rype in our marketing project gave our group an unique insight into a local British Columbia based company and it’s goals in the wider north american juice market. One of the parts that made our company unique is while Sun-Rype is a large business with a diverse product line, it is not a leader in the industry. Currently they have a market share of less than 5% of the Canadian juice market. They have not even started selling juices to the US market. In my opinion this made it easier for us to focus on opportunities for growth. When looking at global gigantic companies, like Coke, it is difficult to suggest strategies for growth and marketing when they are doing such a good job already and are literally everywhere.

Working in a group of 6 people was a little difficult at times. Meeting schedules were extremely difficult to organize in our group. We actually split into two smaller groups so people could meet easier. I think people were relatively comfortable in our group and would give input if they had ideas. I think group projects in general are critical for our business education, as they do a good job simulating real world work scenarios.

Ending our project with the video was an unique experience. Sauder puts great importance or the ability to make presentations and public speaking, doing a video is not something we are use to. However I think it was an important addition to the course, mainly because I think people can be camera shy. There were parts of our filming where it would take around an hour to film a 3 minute segment as people were getting nervous and forgetting what to say. However cameras and video are becoming more important, also every business now will have an official YouTube channel. Knowing how to handle the intimidating camera is getting more and more important.


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