Gina Abudi’s Blog – a cheap way to advertise

I have always wondered how consultants get the clients they work with. I recently came across a blog for Gina Abudi, the owner of the consultant firm Abudi Consulting Group. The blog is successful receiving about 3500 visits a day.  By using her blog, Gina is able to promote both her consultant company and her publications.

Gina’s blog is filled with “topX list for best practices” mainly for small business owners on how to run their businesses. The blogs are usually short (like ours!) so there is always more information she can share with you if you enlist her services. She will also jazz up posts by inserting Dilbert cartoons and other images. For example on a HR post on Performance reviews, Gina starts with a Dilbert comic and addresses her main points in concise bullets points.

However the blog is not all business. There are also book reviews and a miscellaneous section for off topic posts.

In all I think Gina’s decision to make a blog related to her business is a brilliant marketing strategy. If I needed to hire a consultant I would want to make sure they were creative and smart – reading this blog would give me confidence. Also the blog (provided there is no advertising) is free compared to other advertising.


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