Samsung’s $14 Billion marketing push

Samsung, long known for their constant battles is and out of the courtroom with Apple, are expected to spend $14 billion US dollars on marketing. Many expects are questioning if this is money will spent.

Samsung’s goal in many of it’s advertising is to gain the level of prestige competitor Apple has and combat the idea that Samsung is follower (copying Apple’s innovations). As such, many of their advertisements stress Samsung’s role as an innovator, talking about their long term concept innovations like curved tvs and smartphones. Samsung is also spending lots of sponsoring various events and infrastructure projects. At my home airport DFW, Samsung sponsored several free travel lounges and charging poles allowing passengers to relax and charge their devices. Note – Samsung recently did not renew it’s contract with DFW so the facilities have changed to DFW airport branding.

However people are starting to question if it really is a good idea to have the largest marketing budget in history.  Samsung brand value is currently only the ninth biggest in the world, behind companies like General Electric and IBM. Apple is currently has the world’s largest brand value – at 104.3 billion. Samsung has also been having lower than expected sales of it’s new smart watch. Shipping 800,000 units so far this year. Samsung however is not deterred promising more watch advertisements during the holiday season. Many people are expecting Samsung is promoting the watch not because they see smart watches becoming mainstream, but to help gain the image as an innovator.


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