Category Archives: Uncategorized

Marketing Group Project – Reflective

Learning about Sun-Rype in our marketing project gave our group an unique insight into a local British Columbia based company and it’s goals in the wider north american juice market. One of the parts that made our company unique is … Continue reading

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Helvetica The Perfume

A few days ago I was alerted to a new product by Adweek’s and “the logo smith’s” blog of a new perfume. While this premium $62USD product has many of the same traits of any other perfume marketing campaign, it’s … Continue reading

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Samsung’s $14 Billion marketing push

Samsung, long known for their constant battles is and out of the courtroom with Apple, are expected to spend $14 billion US dollars on marketing. Many expects are questioning if this is money will spent. Samsung’s goal in many of … Continue reading

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Tim Hortons to introduce dark roast coffee

Currently Tim Hortons brews only one type of drip coffee which they refer to as their premium blend. This will change soon with the introduction of a new “dark roast” drip brew, served in addition to their signature blend they … Continue reading

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VW tries to reintroduce diesel engines to North America

When you think of diesel powered automobiles in North America, chances are you think of smelly buses or stinky trucks that are slow or clumsy. It is little wonder that diesel engines only account for about 1.5% of the passenger … Continue reading

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Supplements in advertising (ethics)

In the United States, the Federal Trade Commission has recently won a lawsuit against Walgreens (a nationwide US drug store) for deceptive advertising for it’s Walgreen’s branded Wal-born supplement. As a result some 8000 customers of the product will be … Continue reading

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Gina Abudi’s Blog – a cheap way to advertise

I have always wondered how consultants get the clients they work with. I recently came across a blog for Gina Abudi, the owner of the consultant firm Abudi Consulting Group. The blog is successful receiving about 3500 visits a day.  … Continue reading

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When will the Twinkie be reborn?

There have recently been quite a few posts on Comm101 blogs regarding the closing and liquidation of Hostess Brands. People are expressing a variety of views with some claiming this will start a “New Health Era“. Others are exploring the … Continue reading

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China ready to eat up North America’s Pecan harvest

Despite recent bad harvests of pecans across the United States farmers are still happy. Why? China is putting so much demand on the pecan market that one pound of pecans can go as high as $15USD. The Chinese are recently … Continue reading

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Walmart’s sustainability push showcased in new trucks

In class we recently heard about Walmarts and other large firms recent commitment to moving to more sustainable operations. Walmart recently has show a new product of this investment: a new semi-trailer truck with 30% more capacity The 18 wheeler … Continue reading

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