Category Archives: Uncategorized

Governments shunning plastic bags means big business to paper bag manufacturers

Last weekend in Bellingham, Washington I was faced with a new situation – a Walmart with out a single plastic bag to bag up your purchases in. Instead you were suppose to bring your own bag from home, go without … Continue reading

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New airplane cleaning workers delay American flights.

American Airlines has been feeling the pains of bankruptcy recently with ongoing lawsuits, arguments with unions, and pilots purposely delaying planes. A recent post-bankruptcy decision has been causing planes to be delayed even more. A Dallas Morning News article says … Continue reading

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Reselling MP3’s?!

A new lawsuit between music conglomerate EMI and upstart “Redigi” introduces an interesting new question – Is it possible to resell digital goods? Redigi is in the business of selling “preowned” MP3’s. The way it works is simply, you download … Continue reading

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Ecolab eyes China for expansion

Ecolab, a US based company specializing in food safety and sanitation products, is building a new factory in Jiangsu Province. The new factory will be Ecolab’s largest in the Asia Pacific region with a production capacity of approximately 150 metric … Continue reading

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Android Tablet Courtroom Drama – Toy edition

While newspapers continue to cover the Samsung-Apple tablet and smart phone patent battle in the court room. A much smaller case has recently developed over toy tablets. Meet Nabi. The Nabi was introduced by Fuhu (a company made up by … Continue reading

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Foxxconn uses student “interns” for iphone 5 assembly (ethics)

Foxconn is currently the largest exporter in mainland China. The Taiwanese company does OEM manufacturing for some of the largest electronic companies in the world, including Apple, HP, and Sony. However, even a company with 1.3 million employees struggles to … Continue reading

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