Income Sorting: Measurement and Decomposition (Journal of Urban Economics, 58(2), September 2005, 289-303)
Annuities and Individual Welfare (joint with Jeffrey Brown and Peter Diamond) (American Economic Review 95(5), December 2005, 1573-1590)
Labor Income, Housing Prices and Homeownership (Journal of Urban Economics, 59(2), March, 2006, 209-235 )
Supply Constraints and Housing Prices (Joint with Saku Aura) (Economics Letters, 99(2), May 2008, pp.275-277)
Housing, Health, and Annuities (Journal of Risk and Insurance, 76(1), March, 2009, 31-52)
Home Equity Commitment and Long-Term Care Insurance Demand (Journal of Public Economics, 94 (1), February, 2010, 44-49)
What Explains Manhattan’s Declining Share of Residential Construction? (Journal of Public Economics, 94(7), August 2010, 508-514)
Supply Elasticity and the Housing Cycle of the 2000s (Real Estate Economics, 41(4), 2013, 793-813)
An Analysis of Constrained Property Taxes in a Simple Optimal Tax Model (Joint with Saku Aura) (CESIfo Economic Studies, 58(3), September, 2012, 525-543)
- Can “High Costs” Justify Weak Demand for the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage? (Review of Financial Studies, Vol. 28, No. 8, pages 2364-2398, 2015)
- Supply Constraints are Not Valid Instrumental Variables for Home Prices Because They are Correlated with Many Demand Factors (Critical Finance Review, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 177-206, 2016)
- Reverse mortgages: What homeowners (don’t) know and how it matters (With Patrick Gerhard and Thomas Post), (Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, V133, January 2017, 151–171)
Maintenance and the Home Equity of the Elderly (revised 7/06)
- Policy Forum: Vancouver’s Property Taxes in Perspective (Canadian Tax Journal/Revue Fiscale Canadienne, Vol. 66, No. 3, 2018)
Long Term Care Insurance (Handbook of Insurance, 2013, Georges Dionne, Editor)
- Do Reverse Mortgage Borrowers Use Credit Ruthlessly? (joint with Jake Wetzel)
Reverse Mortgage Demographics and Collateral Performance
- Not in my neighbour’s back yard? : Laneway homes and neighbours’ property values (with Andrey Pavlov and Tsur Somerville) (Journal of Urban Economics, Vol. 128, 2022)
- Policy Forum: The Prevalence of Low Income Tax Payments Among Owners of Expensive Homes in Vancouver and Toronto (with Paul Boniface Akaabre, and Craig Jones) (canadian tax journal / revue fiscale canadienne (2022) 70:4, 843-59)