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Monthly Archives: October 2012

Tata Starbucks Joint Venture – Variance from its Vision?

Starbucks making its way into the Indian coffee market at the end of this month comes as no surprise, given their precious success and popularity. What is unusual is that Starbucks, infamous for its strong branding and praised for its effective marketing, will be infiltrating the the world’s second largest population as a joint venture with Tata at the end of this month.   Although I don’t doubt that they will be successful in India, the questions of whether the […]

Excess Inventions

As technology advances, so does the frequency of change. New, innovative creations are popping up around the globe, and the old is quickly becoming simply a part of the past. The age-old expression “if it ain’t broke, don’t’ fix it” is irrelevant as corporations strive to differentiate themselves against their market rivals. Although new products are refreshing, this desire to constantly maintain a competitive advantage over other companies through revolutionary merchandise is rapidly becoming ridiculous. While on the bus, reading […]

Naming No Nos

A name – a loving title bestowed from the start of something. It may be precious and meaningful to you, but could that revered name become a liability to future success? Apparently so. In the article “Positioning – As Popularized by Al Ries and Jack Trout”, it is revealed that “Even a person’s name impacts his or her success in life.” Though this article was written for marketing ones’ business or company and its brand, it also discloses that even […]

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