Crushed Childhood

Teeth delving into a soft, golden brown treat, eyes closed in glee, a child holding a Twinkie in its crinkly, clear wrapper with two hands…

…but not anymore.

On November 16th at 7:00a.m, Hostess declared it’s brand’s official closing, instigated by 18,500 employee strike. How could a business that had so clearly been doing well not make it through?

A tribute to our beloved snack cakes.

For a business student whose assignments often consist of analyzing companies entering a downward spiral in some aspect of their business, I can hardly believe such hypothetical circumstances actually exist in real life, and aren’t simply depicting a made up scenario.

With this realization, I feel like I will be attacking my future assignments with new vigor, trying to find realistic recommendations that could potentially save a crippled company, or preserve a childhood memory from being crushed.


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