“Supplying” Social Responsibility

A humanitarian at heart, since high school I have been on a quest to find initiatives in business that allows helping others by using business acumen, like through Shokti Doi.

As explained by Léa Domenach et Arnold Montgault‘s blog titled Au Bangladesh, business et social se mèlent dans le yaourt”, or in English, “In Bangladesh, business and social blend in yogurt”, Grameen Danone Food Ltd’s venture in Bangladesh, where they collaborated their Supply Chain to provide a sustainable way of promoting corporate social responsibility by using their product, rather than simply dishing out the big bucks to “help others” indirectly. Together, they work to make a high nutrient yogurt, Shokti Doi, to distribute to poorer families in rural areas of Bangladesh, at a fraction of the cost.

Shokti Doi Yogurt

Nowadays, I often feel as if corporations giving back to society is seen as more of a trend, or marketing ploy, than a true act of kindness. I think that tailoring one’s product to help at each level of its supply chain is an efficient way to not only aid others, but also truly capture the essence of directly helping those in need.


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