Reinvoking the Reason
A start-up: dreams, risks, pressure, pay-off.
When UBC alumni Janice Cheam shared the success story of her company, Energy Aware, I was blasted to the past, reminded of my year with the TiE Young Entrepreneurs program. After attending 8 classes covering the fundamentals of a successful business, my team of 5 worked long and hard to produce a feasible business plan for the competition held in April. The plan was centered on creating our own medical device company, sprouting from our innovative product, a spray-on cast. During that pilot year of the Vancouver chapter, our efforts propelled us to globals in Atlanta, Georgia where we proceeded to win $25,000 to start-up our own business.

Winning team of TiE Young Entrepreneurs and co-chairs of the Vancouver chapter, holding their prize after Global Competition 2012.
As Michelle Lee stated in her blog entry, Janice’s story highlighted the ongoing commitment, patience, and most vitally, belief, required to execute a start-up. This prompt reminded me not give up on the idea, and continue working on executing the patenting process for it. It also reinvoked the reason why I am studying in UBC Sauder’s Commerce program: to develop a tool kit that will provide me the means to fulfill my future aspirations, and not only dream, but implement, create and succeed – pay-off.