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While studying for my Management and Organizational Behavior class, I came upon (what seemed to me at least) an unusual side note:

p 278 of Nancy Langton, Stephen P. Robbins, and Timothy Judge’s “Organizational Behaviour”, 5th Canadian edition, 2009

Having been raised into the “tech savvy” generation where email, instant messaging, texting and online social networking have been integrated mediums of communication discovered through trial and error, I did not realize that these were “revolutions” of modern technology until now!

In my first few months of post secondary, I have encountered more and more  lectures and workshops attempting to teach me the low-down, hoe-down on these evolving technologies, as if I had not seen them before  Curious about the views of people not born into this tech revolution, I attended a LinkedIn Workshop held by UBC Sauder’s Business Career Centre and was surprised to find many third and fourth year student, whom I had assumed online experts, filing in the room. Throughout the workshop, I was exposed to a new sense of how-to regarding using the internet in a serious light: to enhance one’s professional appeal.

Post secondary has compelled me to keep an open-mind, and realize what I perceive as a norm may not be for many.


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