

Why I took this course

What I want most out of my degree is a strong ability to solve complex business problems. I hope by being a part of the D-Studio I will learn how to develop better, more innovative solutions to the same types of “wicked” problems  I will encounter later on in my career.

I like that this course is instructed in a hands-on and collaborative environment, because that is precisely the dynamic in which most projects  are completed. As Ron said, not once has he worked on a project by himself. I believe the D-Studio will nicely compliment the more analytics-centered decision making which the bulk of our degree focuses on.

Background in design-thinking

I have always been interested in design: from graphic design, to architecture, to industrial design, to the design of environmental and public spaces.  Over the past couple of years I have taken an interest in the design approach to business and have been following a number of sources I would categorize as using design-thinking. I would suggest following Seth Godin for anyone interested in marketing and entrepreneurship, and Tina Seelig who is the Executive Director of Stanford’s STVP and is a part of the which we have mentioned in class.

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