Connections, part two

As I continue to work on the Pulse/AMS project for the d-studio (486J) I’ve noticed a number of other marketing connections.

Our idea is basically an interface that informs you of the energy consequences of the food-related decisions you make in the Student Union Building (altering the shopping experience). Clearly anyone can use it right away, but what segment should we target as we introduce it?

As we are introducing something new, we need to first focus on the innovators: the sustainability-minded individuals that frequent the Student Union Building. Perhaps the same type of people who frequent Sprouts.

In order to accelerate diffusion to the early adopters and the majority, we need to ensure that the system we design is compatible, visible, easy to use, and provides some sort of advantage.

Going forward

Survey/focus group people in Sprouts in order to get feedback.

Go through our proposal so far in order to ensure it meets as many of the diffusion requirements as we can.

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