I’m a victim

I have never liked Diet Coke. My wife drinks it – she calls it DC.

But ever since Coke Zero came out, I’ve been a fan. “Wow, this really does taste like regular Coke,” I’d find myself thinking. And zero calories, what’s not to like?

When I’d drink one, I’d think to myself why they didn’t just get rid of Diet Coke altogether and replace it with this obviously superior blend. It must cost quite a bit to maintain three Coke products as ubiquitously as they do. It seems silly, I am sure if they tried it all the die-hard Diet Coke drinkers would be quite happy..

Until Thursday’s class when Tamar lets us know that Coke Zero is targeted at young males. The black can, the bold graphic, no “Diet” anywhere to be seen.

I’ve always thought of myself as impervious to such marketing ploys. When I found out, all I could do was laugh.

I wonder about all the primary research that goes into a release like this. Far more than surveys, I’d assume.

One Response (Add Your Comment)

  1. Interesting how we never see ourselves as the target of marketing ploys until someone spells it out for us eh? Coke definitely did a good job with this one; they did exactly what we have been discussing in class, that is segment their market into different targets and then position their current (or create new) offerings to satisfy their tastes. I am sure they spend a lot of time with product design (beyond the time it took to create the formula) and tested it with various groups to see any changes in perception favourable to the young male category!

    Great job on keeping up with consistent posting. You posts all contain critical thinking and opinions which is exactly what Tamar and I have been hoping to see!

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