Week 4: On Blogging

Start blogging!

So not everyone has started blogging regularly. When I first heard I’d have to write two blog posts a week (one for 296, one for 486J) I was a little disappointed. Two more things to do each week on top of all the regular course work? And what am I supposed to write about anyway?

But now that I’ve put out a few posts I am enjoying it. The process of writing a blog requires you to organize your thoughts in a way you may not normally do mentally. A couple times I’ve started writing a post with a clear argument and purpose in my head, and once I’ve reviewed my ideas in writing I’ll see it in a new light and completely change direction. In the end I feel I have a much stronger understanding of the topic.

I find subjects come much easier once you get into the swing of it, too.

So just get writing. Silence your critical voice for a second and iterate. It’s not like anyone’s going to read it anyway.

Unless you get profiled in class. Then you’ll get critiqued!

What did I learn from Wednesday’s class?

I need to be more prepared to present my work at any time. Though I feel that I bombed the presentation part, I was quite pleased with the discourse afterward. I found it much easier to think and recall facts and insights when asked questions or given direct feedback. When Moura put up the canvas it was like I was seeing it for the first time – “Bike Kitchen? What?” It is always interesting to get up in front of the class and I look forward to doing it again soon.

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