It took a couple takes for me to complete the project for this week. When I first began, I created the Thinglink shown above and added a new picture with audio for each item. I went back to the instructions and realized all I did was record myself describing the image. There was not much redesign occurring from the original Task.  So I had to think deeper about how I could use a different mode of meaning while being able to keep to the spirit of the original task. I decided to add a layer of gestural design and made a short video of the me using each of the items.   Along with the videos, I included small bits of audio and text.  The benefits of this activity were I thought about the literacies in a different way and was forced to reflect on why I made the initial design choices in Task 1.

With mode-changing, the challenge is maintaining the original message. In Task 1 we were asked to show the literacies that were contained in our bag and how those have changed over the years. With my redesign, I did show the current literacies but did not show how those have changed since I started using the bag 30 years ago.  I did notice there were parallels between the activity and the contents of my bag.  In high school when I first got my black leather bag, it held only print texts with no digital technologies until I got a discman. This is similar to my Task 1 post which simply included an image and textual description.  My redesigned post for Task 7 update the original task  by making the image interactive and  integrated video, audio and short pieces of text.  The same transition has occurred with my bag as it now mostly carries digital technology that I use to listen to music, watch videos and create digital text.