1:1 A Friendly Welcome and Warning! First Time Blogger Here.

Hello English 470 Classmates! My name is Danielle Dube and I am a fourth year Psych major. I remember reading somewhere that we weren’t supposed to use wikipedia pages as hyperlinks but I thought I would use mine as a example of why not to. I’m not exactly sure who created my wikipedia page and I’m surprised that they got most of the facts correct. However, I do wish I still weighed 160 lbs, so we can leave that typo untouched. I am also sad to say that they got my birth date and age right, so as you can see I am what you might consider a mature student. I guess that’s just a nice way of saying I’m old. The very important fact that they did get correct is that I am a mother of two great kids. My son is 10 and my daughter is 8.

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And this is them on a good day, man parenting is tough!!

I am also a fulltime firefighter, a full time student, and a member of the Women’s Varsity Ice Hockey Team here at UBC.


I had retired from hockey for about ten years when I approached the UBC team to do some coaching. Somehow the coaching staff convinced me to play instead and now I find myself in my fourth season and months away from graduation. It’s been an amazing four years and I’m amazed that I am so close to the end.

As mentioned in my title, I am a first time blogger. In fact, I am not tech savvy at all. I rarely check my Facebook and often keep my phone on silent, no one needs to get a hold of me that bad, do they? For these reasons I was a bit nervous about the structure of this course but as I get my feet wet I’m beginning to enjoy it. In any case, the content of the course greatly outweighs my fear of technology. I am a strong believer in the power of stories and I am intrigued by looking closer at the stories we’ve been told and more importantly the ones that we have not been told. I truly hope that my children get the chance to hear some of the untold stories of our history here in Canada.

I’m looking forward to learning with all of you!


11 thoughts on “1:1 A Friendly Welcome and Warning! First Time Blogger Here.

  1. Hello Danielle,
    Welcome to our course of studies together – a most impressive bio, I am very pleased to have you in our course and look forward to working together – your blog looks great 🙂

    • Thank you Professor Paterson,
      I was a bit frightened about the social media aspect but I’ve started to realize that it will help me keep up with my children once they reach the age for cell phones and Facebook friends. I’m really looking forward to the content, I’ve already gained some awareness in regards to paying closer attention to the meaning behind the stories we are told.

  2. Hi Danielle!

    Great first post! It was really interesting and not mention helpful. It totally guided me in forming my blog..so thank you! Also, your children are adorable! You must be a super mom jugging studies and life of a mother haha. I bet your time management is really good. Not only that, but you are a member of the Women’s Varsity Ice Hockey Team? That is so cool! And I think your blog is a really fun read, have some confidence! You mentioned that you are a strong believer in the power of stories and that you hope to share some untold stories of Canadian history to your children.. so my question for you is, what story would you want to share with them and why? There are many Canadian histories but how does one decide on which one to tell first?

    • Hi Karen,
      Thank you for your generous feedback on my blog, it is much appreciated. You raise a very good question in regards to which stories to pass on to my children. In fact, I hope this course will help me answer that question because really, where do we start? From what I’ve learned so far in our readings is the importance to be aware that their are many stories and many different truths. One thing I often tell my children is to take in as much information as they can and make their decisions based on that. I also let them know that they shouldn’t believe everything they hear, there may be another side to the story. I believe this is a good stating point and maybe by the end of our course I can give you a more solid answer to your question.
      Thanks again,

  3. Hey Danielle!

    First off, just want to say that I think your blog post (despite being a first-timer) was fantastic! This is actually my first distance education course too so I’m a bit nervous about how I’ll do with it, but there’s a first time for everything!

    So I think it’s pretty amazing that you’re a hockey goaltender! I definitely took a look at your wikipedia page, and I think your accomplishments as a goaltender are incredibly impressive. I think I’m extra excited about your hockey career because (while on an extensively lesser scale) I played ice hockey in elementary and high school. I played with RGIH (I would usually switch from playing centre to left wing) and I had the time of my life doing it! I unfortunately never played on a competitive level, but I made some pretty incredible relationships and totally improved my puck-handling and skating in the process!

    And aside from being a full-time mommy you’re also a full-time firefighter! What interested you in becoming a firefighter? I also know exactly which station you’re talking about, the one on No 2 and Steveston Highway; I basically drive by there on the daily. I remember in high school I actually took a trip to the firehall by YVR airport and (randomly) dropped off some donuts for the firefighters, and ended up taking a tour of the place/ the trucks too! I just recall that experience as being super intriguing and honourable to be in a place filled with people who dedicate their lives to helping others.

    Anyway, great first blog post. I look forward to seeing more from you and learning with you in this class. 🙂

    – Neia

    • Hi Neia,
      Thanks for your positive comments, I really appreciate it. Hockey has been a huge part of my life and I’m glad to hear you’ve had the opportunity to enjoy it as well. I looked into firefighting because my dad was a firefighter in Vancouver. I grew up playing a lot of firefighter hockey and once my hockey career was coming to an end I thought it would be a great transition job. It shares a lot of the team dynamics you get from a sport like hockey plus I was used to being around the guys all the time. It turns out that with any other job I would not have had the chance to come out of retirement and play Varsity sports so I am grateful for that as I am really enjoying going to school.
      Can’t wait to chat more,

  4. Hi Danielle,

    First of all, I think you did a great job on your first blog post! Blogging is kind of difficult when you first begin but after a few posts it will become much easier, I find it to be a great outlet 🙂 I think you wrote a great bio and I am incredibly impressed with the pace of your lifestyle! I can’t imagine being a full-time firefighter, full-time student, full-time mother and hockey player is a walk in the park.

    I also checked out your Wikipedia page which is also extremely impressive! I come from a family of hockey players and spent more time in the arena than I did at home growing up. In my last two years of hockey, I had the pleasure of being coached by Navada Russell who played on the Canadian Women’s U-22 team. I think it is so great that you went back into hockey at UBC and I would love to talk to you about your career as a hockey player!

    I’m excited to hear about your adventures as a player and intrigued to read your blog posts this semester!

    Caitlyn Robson 🙂

  5. Hi Caitlyn,
    Yes, it is a pretty crazy pace that I’ve been keeping up with for the past four years. As much as I’ve enjoyed it, I’m really getting excited that I’ve almost graduated. I have to say my kids have been amazing through it all, very supportive. I know they really enjoy coming to the rink and hanging out with the team. I’m also happy they’ve been able to see their mom as a hockey player as it was such a big part of my life before they were born.
    I look forward to hearing more about your hockey, did you play locally?

  6. Hi Danielle!
    This is Brad Mackie you were my goalie coach for the Vancouver rush in 2001 or 2002.. I was showing my girlfriend some stuff about you and thought I would try to get ahold of you!! Im playing again and was wondering if I could get ahold of you somehow to talk. Hopefully you see this haha anyway hope to talk soon. Thanks for everything

    • Ps. The tournament was call the challenge cup hosted by Walter gretzky, just to jog your memory ???? we won the silver metal too!! Anyway for got to mention that! Hopefully you see this like I said I’m so thankful to have had you in my life and have you teach me. I would love to have some more pointers from you as always! I’m back playing hard again and having fun hope to cross paths again soon. Thank you Danielle. Take care

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