2:3 A Common Sense of Home

Read at least 3 students blog short stories about ‘home’ and make a list of the common shared assumptions, values and stories that you find. Post this list on your blog.

After reading through a number of this week’s blogs I came across the common shared assumptions below.

Family – In almost every post the idea of family was mentioned and the thought of being around the ones we love and the relationships we cherish.

Memories – A number of people spoke about memories they had as a child. Even if they moved they still remember their experiences that created the idea of home.

Comfort – A sense of comfort seemed to be the popular theme when speaking of what home feels like.

Familiarity – Much like comfort, familiarity gives people a sense of home and this plays into the idea of feeling safe and free to be yourself.

This week’s task of looking for common shared assumptions really got me thinking about my home. When I spoke of home in my original post I spoke of my childhood even though I am now a grown woman with children of my own. What I’ve realized is that I have yet to make my house a home. This is most likely due to the fact that my relationship with my children’s father was not meant to be and even though it was not a negative environment for our kids we both knew deep down that we would be better off apart. Because our hearts were not in it we never made the effort to make our house a home and I think that is why we have recently decided to live apart. We know this is the best choice for all of us to be happier and I am looking forward to creating a home for my children. For me this little story confirms what I said in my original post, home is where the heart is!

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