MIS and online shopping

MIS stands for management information system. It is a system that provides information needed to manage organizations effectively. In class we learned about how companies use MIS to make them efficient.

Using MIS to advertise:

MIS is not just marketing, how do we make it a better business using MIS?

The answer is by using facebook/twitter as advertisements the company can attract new consumers

and by creating a social website for existing consumers to discuss issues can increase consumer loyalty.

How do we know effective is the ad?

by using Twitter the company can know exactly how many how many sales generated, or use printed coupons to count the number.

In addition, MIS also makes online shopping possible. The number of people who shop online has been increasing significantly. Examples of these include all kinds of clothing brands. The companies save money because by using MIS they are able to reduce its fixed costs as they don’t have do rent a space and hire employees to keep the shops running. The advantage for consumers is that they can buy things without stepping out the door, more importantly it allows the consumers to buy brands that they might not have in their countries since online shoppings are usually globally.

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