A lesson learned from someone else

It wasn’t too long ago that I was still living a life of a high school kid, I wasn’t paying enough attention to anything that is academic related, until I got an email notifying me that $8,000 of my scholarship has been canceled. To be honest, I didn’t even know I had a scholarship in the first place and of course I didn’t know why it was canceled. I had absolutely no idea what happened and after I found out that a few months ago ubc sent me an email regarding how I am not meeting the requirements which I promised to meet for this scholarship. I was frustrated with myself and a friend of mine who also got the same scholarship told me that she was notified about this scholarship last year April which was before school started. I realized how little attention I pay towards my academic studying. And I learned from my friend that we need to keep track of things by ourselves and take responsibilities of our own actions as we are university students now and that no one would constantly be there reminding you all the things that needed to be done. In the real world, second chances are not always granted.

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