“BlenTec + Youtube = Success!” reference to Brad’s blog

I was readingĀ Brad Koenig‘s blog post, “BlenTec + Youtube = Success!”. I agree with him that their Youtube videos are very entertaining to watch. Although they might not actually increase sales, they definitely increase the popularity of their blenders. His blog also mentions that companies are now moving from TV commercials to online advertising, such as youtube videos. I think online advertising through Youtube has become so popular is because that it is more cost effective, and when companies turn their commercials into Youtube videos, the ads become much more entertaining and compelling to viewers. The audience can also share the videos with friends, whereas if it was on TV, viewers don’t get a chance to share it, and usually they just switch the channels. The following Blendtec Youtube video has over 12 millions views:

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One Response (Add Your Comment)

  1. Wow, Great post, Such a nice idea, I really like it, Thanks for sharing this post with us

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