Social Entrepreneur -Craig Kielburger

A social entrepreneur is one who recognizes a social problem and uses entrepreneurial principles to organize, create, and manage a venture to make social change.

Craig Kielburger is a globally well-known Canadian activist who founded internationally renowned campaigns including  Free The Children and Me to We to help aid children living in poverty.  Craig Kielburger recognized at a young age a problem with child labour in countries all over the world.  As a result, he decided to take action in an attempt to help solve this worldwide issue. He attempts to transform everyday consumers into people who can make a change in the world through his concerts, speeches and books.

Craig Kielburger’s Me to We campaign is an example of a social enterprise that donates half its annual profits to Free The Children by selling commodities such as organic, fair-trade clothing.  What makes Craig such a successful social entrepreneur is his unrelenting urge to encourage volunteers to join his cause and to hopefully together as a united force take on this global issue.

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