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Coke vs Pepsi

Coke and Pepsi are close substitutes, in fact they can almost be considered as the same products, the only thing that can tell them apart is their brands, however,coke has higher sales than pepsi.

In class we learned about positioning of a product. “In marketing, positioning has come to mean the process by which marketers try to create an image or identity in the minds of their target market for its product, brand, or organization.” and I think coke is successful at doing its positioning. Coke entered the market in 1886 and pepsi 1898 so before the existence if Pepsi, Coke had already positioned its product in consumers’ minds. Although there are many companies entered the market before Coca-Cola they didn’t have the marketing skills Coca-Cola has. Examples of these brands include:

  • 1885 Charles Aderton invented “Dr Pepper” in Waco, Texas.

One other important point to consider in attracting consumers is the point of difference, a company’s unique selling point.

Consumers are bombarded with a continuous stream of advertising, sometimes its the POD that makes the product sells. Coca-Cola is the first brand to introduce diet soft drinks to the market and the only one who offers zero soft drinks.

There is one commercial ad of Pepsi which i think it’s slightly unethical:

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in the ad the little kid steps on two Coke cans to reach the Pepsi button on the vending machine. For me this is suggesting that Pepsi is better than Coke. It’s so good that someone would waste two cans of coke to exchange one can of pepsi.

below is the commercial for Coca-Cola, it’s different from that of pepsi. It tells how much effort the company puts in making a can of coke.

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Business Ethics in TOPSHOP

My Only One

Topshop is a British chain of clothing stores that operates in more than 20 countries.

Its recycled clothing label is set to launch at Topshop’s flagship Oxford Street store. The collection is inspired by the need to resue and recycle old textiles, My Only One has recruited a team of up-and-coming young designers to recycle and redesign old clothing.

Using their creative genius, the designers have been hard at work transforming unusable or unloved vintage pieces into fashion fabulous garments. The collection of curvy knitwear is made from recycled jumpers, old T-shirts, cashmere scraps and bits of leather collected from factory floors. This is ethical business because its products are made with love of life and respect for the world we live in, in a spirit of individuality.

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