
by grace owens

Hello! You have found yourself at the website of Grace, Jade, Chase and Sidney, from UBC’s English 372: Canadian Studies class. This website will not only seek to serve as our home base for our intervention project but also to allow for a platform to engage on a topic we are passionate about and showcase our learning throughout this course. Over the past few months in this course we have been examining changing narratives, storytelling, First Nations culture and the effect of colonization on Canadian literature. We have gained storytelling skills, developed a greater understanding of allusions and their non-Western connections and have learned more around the importance of First Nations participation in Canada’s literary canon. In the last few weeks of the term, and with this collaborative discussion project we are setting out to employ all of these gained skilled and new knowledge base to conduct a dialogue around an intervention that the four of us are passionate about and relates back to this course. 

The goals we are setting for our intervention project is to have meaningful conversations with not only our own team members, but also with other groups and classmates, to explore deeper these topics we have already been examining and apply them to our own interventional research and create a stepping stone for change in favour of more First Nations agency within Canadian literature.

Hop on over to our About Page to learn more about our interventional research topic and meet the team!