RE: We All Love Limited-Edition Products! (Vicky Wu)

In her blog post “We All Love Limited- Edition Products”, Vicky asked if we have ever bought something that was relatively expensive compared with the similar products and sometimes unnecessary or even useless to us. My answer is YES! I am a big fan of Daisy by Marc Jacob. Every year or a period of time, Daisy has some limited Edition products such as necklace, ring, brooch etc. I almost brought every single item of these unnecessary products myself. Once I see the new Daisy product comes out, I will buy it immediately because I am afraid it will be sold out very quickly. This kind of behavior explains the idea of scarcity strategy that Vicky introduced in her blog.


Scarcity Strategy is not limited to those luxury goods, but also apply to other daily products. From my personal experience,  I go grocery shopping with specific needs, but I always come back home with lots of other unnecessary goods which I don’t need in a short period. What happens when I am in the grocery store?  PROMOTION!!! Last time, I went to superstore and I brought 2 bottles of shampoo which don’t really need that much. Here is what happened. I went there and saw a sign ” *** Shampoo $1.99, limited 2 max. This weekend only.” I did not intend to buy shampoo until I came into the store and saw the promotion. I probably won’t buy the shampoo if the promotion is $1.99 with no time and quantity limited because I may think that the promotion may last long, and I can purchase it next time as I don’t need the shampoo right away.  However, with the time limited, I feel like if i miss this promotion, there won’t be one coming up later. But why did I purchase 2 bottles? I could not explain the reason why, I think that’s maybe what the magic about scarcity strategy is!

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