Module 1 – Folio Entry

Posted by: | January 30, 2012 | Leave a Comment

As we approach the end of our fourth week of the course my thoughts and understandings as to the celebrations and challenges of using technology in the math and science classroom are becoming better defined. I still have many questions and issues though. One might think that the more I read, engage in discussion, and use digital means to investigate, perhaps I would finally be discovering answers to my questions, but no. Investigations seem to breed new questions without necessarily answering the original ones.

From a Kindergarten to grade seven-perspective I am made aware of and personally observe a greater use of technology in the science classroom. In the science classroom there are more examples of technology used for information gathering, dissemination, and presentation.  In the math classroom I continue to personally observe little use of technology, digital or other. The case studies presented for our learning in lesson two of this course were overwhelmingly science based. Are my perceptions of this inequity, accurate? And if so, why is there such a difference? V.W. mentioned in one of our discussion threads that the teacher she interviewed was open to integrating technology but was less comfortable to do so in the area of math. From my research and learning in the area of teacher math anxiety I would hypothesize that this may be a widespread challenge. Are teachers more comfortable with, more easily able to, motivated to, incorporate new tools in subject areas for which they have a greater content and conceptual strength and understanding?

Many of our cohort and many of our discussions have highlighted challenges with teacher technology learning. Time, apathy, equipment, and infrastructure are frequently listed resources that are in short supply.  Yet even when equipment and infrastructure are in place still my MET colleagues report purposeful incorporation of technology is not widespread. What does the research say in regards to effective professional development that has affect on purposeful technology use?

The interview that I conducted did differ from many of the other reported findings. I interviewed an older teacher who was excitedly facilitating technology with student learning. Self motivated to learn. Why? When I reflect upon the character, personality, interests of this teacher I realize that she has incorporated technology into her personal life and instruction preparation so should I be surprised that she has done so in her teaching time?

Do pre-service teachers need to take a course in technology? With the increasing pace in which technology is changing and developing do they need to learn how to use technology? Or do they need to be immersed in learning environments in which technology is an authentic and intuitive tool with which they learn? It is often said that teachers teach the way they were taught.

S.R. reflected that teachers, like their students, need to be offered  learning experiences that are personalized and that take into account teacher interest, experience, and learning styles.  Do we teach students to use technology by fancied up lecture delivered with accompanying power point or do we facilitate pre-service teacher learning  (learning theory, assessment,  pedagogy, etc.) and do so using technology and it affordances as a tool?

Questions. Questions. Questions. All worthy of further investigation and study. I must choose one issue to pursue and hope that members of my learned cohort will investigate the other and share their findings.


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