Application Letter [attached in Memo]

41st & Hudson St, Vancouver

BC, Canada


May 30th, 2022


ENGL 301, University of British Columbia,

University Endowment Lands, BC V6T 1Z1


Dear Peers in English 301:


I am reaching out to you regarding the partnership for the future writing team as discussed in the course. I believe that my experience and education make me a suitable candidate for the position. I can complete required work with efficiency to achieve success in the future.

Currently, I am a third-year student majoring in computing science as my second degree. During my first degree, I usually proposed technology-related topics for my mass communication module projects to build on my own self interest and knowledge. The courses I have taken gave me much exposure to real-world problems, and the freedom to be more technical in my solutions. In one of the courses, I proposed a group project to track public opinion on healthcare legislation in specific parts of Canada. I took the initiative to learn new technologies and implement the group’s plan. On the other hand, one weakness trait I struggle with is not asking for help and staying quiet, so it would be beneficial for me to improve on that.

Outside of the curriculum, I held an internship position as a web developer for a telecom company in Ontario. There, I learned about the importance of teamwork and time management, good interpersonal communication skills and managing intensive workloads all of which I am sure are applicable to academic life too.

By taking ENGL 301 and forming teams with peers, my goal is to gain the proper grounding in technical writing and communication, as well as to aid my peers to mutually solving problems.

Thank you for taking the time to read through my proposal. If you feel that my proposal will be complimentary to you, please contact me at



Dennis Deng



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