Unit Three Reflection

  • Bad News Letter and Complaint Letter: Surprisingly, I found learning this part very enjoyable and useful. Composing the complaint letter with a professional style and tone was not easy, because the dissatisfaction and frustration do affect my word choice and the overall tone of the letter. I find it helpful when I put my emotions aside and simply state the facts and events.


  • Writing formal report draft: I have drafted my formal report based on my previous outline and the proposal. The research process of the formal report was indeed a big challenge for me in establishing the core idea of the formal report. For my report on “Determine the cause and impact of UBC’s housing affordability challenges”, secondary resources were difficult to find. Most of UBC’s housing statics results were outdated and not related to the overall rising rental cost these years. As a result, this made primary sources for the research extremely critical. Notably, I also found the gathering of survey responses a challenge in the research process. Specifically, response rates were low for the number of residents to whom the surveys were sent. Despite this limitation to the research process, I proceeded to navigate through this obstacle by exploring other feasible methods of gathering meaningful data. It was more difficult than I expected because my current summary and solution are still pending completion for more insightful thinking.


  • Peer review of formal report draft: I had a chance to partner up with Benson for the formal report draft peer review exercise. I enjoyed reading his formal report draft. After knowing the importance of utilizing library future career resources, Benson’s proposed solution will likely bring a positive outcome for us UBC students. I hope Benson’s suggestions will be accepted and implemented in the future.

Link to formal draft: Formal Report – Dennis

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