Category Archives: Uncategorized

Web Folio Reflection

Creating the Web Folio not only was interesting, but it allowed me to explore my past works and summarize how my writing has improved throughout the summer. The process reminded me of all my past assignments. Revisiting past writing assignments … Continue reading

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Self-Assessment Reflection

Dear readers, As we are approaching the end of the course, I would like to share with you some thoughts about this great course. In a short note, I’ve learned the importance of social networks in professional networking as well … Continue reading

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Online Resume

Dennis Deng  (647) 870-1895 |    Technical Skills   Proficient: Java, Python, PHP Intermediate: JavaScript/TypeScript Familiar: Bash/Shell scripting    FRAMEWORK AND TECHNOLOGIES  Web Development: Symfony, Spring, ReactJS, jQuery, NodeJS Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Firebase Other: Unix, Git, Jenkins, Maven    Work … Continue reading

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Unit Three Reflection

Bad News Letter and Complaint Letter: Surprisingly, I found learning this part very enjoyable and useful. Composing the complaint letter with a professional style and tone was not easy, because the dissatisfaction and frustration do affect my word choice and … Continue reading

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Unit Two Reflection

In Unit 2, we had the chance to explore new forms of technical writing, such as  LinkedIn profile writing, and the process of outlining a formal report using guidance from the textbook. Similar to Unit One, a peer-reviewing of my … Continue reading

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Unit One Reflection

Self-writing Assignments From self-introduction to peer-reviewing, unit one has effectively introduced the concept of what technical communication is and we have put our knowledge into practice with small assignments. More importantly, I get to learn the principles of technical writing … Continue reading

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Response Email 3

Good Morning Benson, Thank you for reaching out to me. I am delighted to accept this great opportunity to partner up with you. I enjoyed reading your bio, and I honor your excellent work as CPSC 210 TA, and the … Continue reading

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Invitiation Email 2

Dear Chris, I’m reaching out to you in hopes to be your writing teammate.  After reading the highlights on your bio, I would like to express my admiration for your sheer hard work and dedication you put in pursuing a … Continue reading

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Invitation Email 1

Dear Garrett, I’m reaching out to you in hopes to be your writing teammate. I greatly enjoy reading your application letter and other highlights posted in your blogs. Your commitment and enthusiasm for pursuing a career in the trading field … Continue reading

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Application Letter [attached in Memo]

41st & Hudson St, Vancouver BC, Canada   May 30th, 2022   ENGL 301, University of British Columbia, University Endowment Lands, BC V6T 1Z1   Dear Peers in English 301:   I am reaching out to you regarding the partnership … Continue reading

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