Best Work Example

On this page, please take some time to review some of my best work completed through the Technical Writing course.

  1. Definition AssignmentThis assignment was the first work completed in our Technical Writing course, the focus was on understanding and practicing various definition formats for a complex term used in a work setting so that people without prior knowledge will understand the concept.

    Assignment 1 has helped me to become familiar with the different definitions and how and when they should be used. It also helped me to brush up on my skills for putting things in ‘lament’ terms – which is a big advantage for technical workers.


    Tianxiang Deng – Definitions Assignment

  2. Peer Review of the Definition AssignmentThis assignment was the first peer review that we completed during Technical Writing. We were instructed to carefully examine the document and provide feedback on all different aspects of our peer’s document.

    Finishing this assignment has made me become more aware of my own writing faults and helped my peer to revise her document for success.

    Peer Review of Definition: Time Complexity

  3. Formal Report Proposal and Progress Report with SurveysWe were challenged to select our topic for our formal report and create a proposal detailing certain aspects such as: who is the reader? location, scope, data sources, etc. We were also required to include a Progress Report and prepare interviews/surveys to plan out all the stages and collect data.

    This assignment helped me with e-mailing memos, as well as providing clarity on how well the progress of my report was going.

    Completing these assignments has helped me to learn that narrowing down a topic to investigate is harden than I thought, but it also helped to sharpen up my ‘critical’ thinking skills when brainstorming all the details!

    Formal Report Proposal : Tianxiang D

  4. Proposal Memo
    This memo is used to write up consise ideas and highlights the problem and solution that will be alter addressed in the formal report. It can help the instructor quickly review the content and determine approval.

    Formal Report Proposal Email Memo: Tianxiang D

  5. LinkedIn Best Practices MemoThis memo includes several LinkedIn tips on how to build an attractive profile. Even though the majority of the content is cited from internet sources, it does help create a LinkedIn profile that would stand out to employers and recruiters.

    LinkedIn Memo

  6. Memo to Evan CrispIn this assignment, we learned to develop a proper email etiquette to help a student and appeal to his course coordinator.

    Email Memo to Evan Crisp – Dennis Deng

  7. Complaint Letter and Response LetterThis assignment’s focus was to write both a complaint and a response letter about a negative experience that we had occurred.

    Upon completion of this assignment, it made me feel powerful and focused. It helped me to understand the format of letters and how to be polite, but firm!

    Bad News Letter – Dennis

    Letter of complaint – Dennis

  8. Peer Review of a Formal ReportThis assignment’s primary focus was to analyze and provide constructive feedback for a peer’s formal report.

    The success of this assignment was strong, as my peer was given a well-rounded review with helpful recommendations to edit in their report before submitting.

    Peer Review of Benson’s Formal Report Draft