A Broker’s Laugh
“I don’t have time to learn, I’ll let the broker handle it.”
If this is in your mind, you may want to rethink that.
A recent article on YahooFinance discusses an issue that has been around throughout the history of the stock market. The issue, your benefits are not at the top of your broker’s priority list. When I read this article, it made perfect sense to me and I think brokers should not be attacked for what they do.
Everybody wants to make money, especially brokers and financial advisors. Investors(you) are simply a tool for them to make money. Even if you lose money, your broker will have somehow profited off your loss. Some may say this is unethical and be disgusted by how the world of finance operates. But it has been like this for so many years, and in the end, money continues to flow into the hands of these “unethical” people.
In class, Murray mentioned, but disagreed with, the phrase “finance is evil”. I have to agree with him. Finance is not ‘evil’; most of the people who think it is evil are either financially illiterate or unwilling to learn the ways of finance. Having said that, I encourage everyone to read this article as I am not able to fully explain it in this brief blog.