Derek Chow's Blog

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Archive for March, 2011

Greatest Lesson Learned

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The greatest lesson I have ever learned is the value of being thrifty now so I can enjoy greater wealth in the future. Albert Einstein once remarked that compound interest was “the most powerful force in the universe”; the significance of compound interest is not one that we can ignore in a society of such superficiality and materialism. I realized that since I am still relatively young, I should take advantage of time’s being on my side and make the most of every dollar I earn now. The greatest lesson I have ever learned is the value of being thrifty now so I can enjoy greater wealth in the future. Albert Einstein once remarked that compound interest was “the most powerful force in the universe”; the significance of compound interest is not one that we can ignore in a society of such superficiality and materialism. I realized that since I am still relatively young, I should take advantage of time’s being on my side and make the most of every dollar I earn now.The greatest lesson I have ever learned is the value of being thrifty now so I can enjoy greater wealth in the future.

Albert Einstein once remarked that compound interest was “the most powerful force in the universe”; the significance of compound interest is not one that we can ignore in a society of such superficiality and materialism. I realized that since I am still relatively young, I should take advantage of time’s being on my side and make the most of every dollar I earn now.

Written by derekchow

March 23rd, 2011 at 11:23 am

Posted in Uncategorized

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