My Comments

Jeff Li has a really interesting article up on his Business Ethics Blog.

I went to the article and I found myself thinking “I know people like this Drama Diva character”. I think it is necessary to investigate articles like this because in the work place we, as both employees or bosses, need to be able to work with a variety of people. Even though we may not like all of the extra curricular effort we need to put into people like drama divas, in the end it will make all parties involved and the company more successful. This article and Jeff’s points on it also relate very closely to our Organizational Behavior class which can help us learn techniques on how to not only deal with difficult co-workers but also how to encourage them to change. Hopefully the drama diva will pick up on the flaws in their behavior on their own. There are always going to be those colleagues that we have a hard time working with or understanding, however, in the long run, it will be beneficial to learn how to work with them effectively.

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In this clip from “The Devil Wears Prada”, Meryl Streep plays the ultimate office diva.

Business Ethics


While looking for an write-up pertaining to business ethics I found an article on the story of a certain New York State Attorney General. Eliot Spitzer, a former Governor of New York, is famous for perusing individuals involved in unethical and dishonest business practices. “Corporate white-collar crime” was his target and in many cases he succeeded in having the wrong doings highlighted and supplemented for by the guilty parties involved. As I looked into Spitzer further, however, I found a few indiscretions. For someone whose mission it was to “force out bad apples”, I was surprised to find out that his own Attorney General campaign was funded by a controversial loan from his father. Another unsettling fact was that his resignation as governor was prompted by a prostitution scandal.  At first I thought that Spitzer was promoting and enforcing the ethical issue of honest business practices by uncovering and prosecuting the shady deals of the financial services industry. However, after looking into his background and reading contrasting opinions I am no longer sure if his motives were pure or if they were focused on his own personal profit.
