
In class five a lot of emphasis was placed on teams and their importance and benefits. I specifically related to the points on how each member of the team contributes both their strengths and weaknesses when they join. I have played Team BC Ringette for over six years and have gotten to learn a lot about how to play on a team and work with others. The fact that we were all good at different aspects of the game is what made us strong and successful. Where one person lacked in something like shooting, another would make up for it with her strength in goal scoring. For teams in classes or in organizations I feel they carry the same philosophy of relying on those around you to utilize your strengths and support your weaknesses with their own areas of expertise.

Dr. Tina Seelig, the Executive Director for the Stanford Technology Ventures Program, articulates in this video that the key to being on a team is not just to make yourself succesful, but to make your team members successful as well.

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