Lesson 1:1

First off, I would like to say hello to everyone, and welcome you to my ENGL 470: Canadian Literary Genre’s blog!  My name is Devon Smith, and I am currently in my final term at UBC, majoring in Sociology.  I was born in Victoria, B.C., but grew up in the Lower Mainland.  I have played high-level soccer my whole life, but am definitely a sports enthusiast in general.  As I assume the majority of other sports fan’s are, I am currently very excited and nervous about this weekend’s NFL playoff games. Beyond school and soccer, I play a full-time role in a management position for JOEY Restaurants; so I am definitely a busy guy.  That’s probably enough about myself, as I’m sure we’ll all get to know each other quite well throughout the term. Here is an old photo of me doing what I love (clearly didn’t quite have the proper technique down yet):


As I said previously, I am a Sociology major, so I am not necessarily a literature aficionado.  But, as I was looking through the list of courses that could potentially fulfill the Literature Requirement for my BA, I came across ENGL 470 – After reading the course description and looking up a previous syllabus, it was an immediate YES! for me.  Canada is clearly a multicultural land, but here we will be able to gain a better perspective, through the literature, on the processes that got us to where we are today.

Through this course, I hope to get to know all of you on an academic level – allowing us to build off of one another’s thoughts and ideas.  I am very interesting in learning, through the Canadian literature, the different agencies individuals residing in Canada have had and have now, but especially how these agencies have changed over time.  I believe that through the literature we are required to read, but especially through the dialogues we create on each other’s blogs, all of our expectations of this course will be easily met.

Talk to you all soon!





Filed under Lesson 1

6 Responses to Lesson 1:1

  1. erikapaterson

    Hi Devon, good to meet you and I am looking forward to your contributions to our course of studies. One note on your blog Devon, can you either insert a widget that provides the date for each post, or select a them that provides the date of each post? Thanks and have a great weekend.

  2. SusieCarter

    hey Devon!

    After reading your blog and determining that we are both soccer (football where I come from) and food enthusiasts (I am assuming this due to your role at Joeys) I decided I wanted to stop and say “hello”. I was particularly grasped by your comment on Canada’s multiculturalism – and how we definitely are a multicultural country. Because of this… my question for you is what would you define as Canadian ‘culture’ – I ask this in particular because I live in Canada (now a citizen but originally from England) and still can not put my finger on it! And as a native – I use this term some what cheekily – how do you perceive your country?

    Cheers and looking forward to working with you!

  3. Joey Levesque

    Hi Devon,
    My name’s Joey – thought I would leave a comment as apparently you’re my manager. Good to meet you! I’m in my final term as well – majoring in Lit; I had thought about doing Anth or Sociology but I doubt I’ll ever be allowed to set foot in that building again (maybe best if that stays vague). Who are you hoping to see in the final? I was hoping for Colts / Hawks but could deal with the Pats too. On that note – did you see that Marshawn Lynch did after his media fine? Pretty good.
    Anyways, looking forward to working together. Have a good one!

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